Here you will find answers to many questions newcomers and guests have about St. Benedict's and worship at Episcopal Churches, in general.
What should I expect on my first visit?
A smiling face to greet you at the door. Please know that we understand that people want to feel welcomed but not pressured on their first visit to a new church. We invite you to come a little early on Sunday morning and have a bagel or a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Additionally, you can schedule a coffee or lunch with the clergy if you would prefer.
What are your typical worship times?
In general, Episcopal churches organize worship and program schedules to correspond to the academic/school year. Service times can always be found on the front page of our website.
What can I expect during an Episcopal worship service?
Episcopal churches in the United States use the Book of Common Prayer to guide their worship. We have lively traditional worship with hymns, scripture, and a short homily. St. Benedict's makes following worship easy by providing a service bulletin on Sundays that details the entire service. You can download the most current bulletin on our Worship page.
Who can take communion in your church?
The principal weekly worship service in the Episcopal Church is called the Holy Eucharist. All baptized Christians, no matter age or denomination, are invited to participate. Visitors who are not baptized are invited to come forward during Communion and receive a blessing from the clergy.
How can the church get to know me better?
You are invited to complete a visitor card online or in the pew during service. This card simply asks for your name, address and information about your family. Its purpose is to alert us to your interest in St. Benedict's, whatever shape that may take and helps us make sure you get the information you need. Plus, when you fill it out, this "Golden Ticket" entitles you to a coffee and some charming get-to-know-you time with the clergy.
Does the church have childcare for infants and small children?
Yes. The nursery is open during both Sunday morning worship services for children ages 0 - 4.
Who is the clergy at St. Benedict's?
The Rev. Jenna Strizak is our full-time rector. You can read more about her here.