The essence of Mission & Outreach activities at St. Benedict's parish is to share the love of God in Christ with those who are in need. Love becomes sacramental when it is experienced through the physical, tangible, expressions of giving food, offering books or supplies, helping to pick weeds from a playground, and offering a helping hand to someone who is in need.

Path To Shine®
Path To Shine® is a mentoring and tutoring program for elementary school children in North and Middle Georgia. Its purpose is to provide academic and social support to encourage children to thrive in school and build self-confidence to achieve their dreams. PTS’s success stems from its principles to maintain a ratio of no more than one Mentor to two students, to have a flexible structure that adapts to each local community, and to consistently seek collaboration with other organizations.
We also support the children and families of these programs
through an annual back-to-school backpack and school supply drive and the Angel Tree at Christmas.
There are many ways for you to donate your time, talent, and treasure to support the children of Path to Shine and San Judas. Perhaps you’d like to mentor and tutor each week? Maybe you have a special talent you could come and talk to the children about? Or you might like to make snacks or host a pizza party?

Holy Comforter Friendship Center
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church is a diverse worshiping community in the heart of Atlanta that seeks to restore the human dignity of every person. About 60% of the congregation lives with mental illness. This diverse community gathers at the Friendship Center for a healing service and community dinner on Wednesday evenings. St. Benedict’s hosts the Wednesday dinner three times each year with donations of food and serving the meal by volunteers from our congregation.

Church of the Common Ground
The Church of Common Ground is an Episcopal parish whose members are homeless people living around Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta. Once a month, St Benedict’s prepares 80 lunches to share with their members. On those Sundays, we meet downstairs in the kitchen, make sandwiches, pack up the lunch sacks, and share a few minutes of fellowship. Stay after the 8:00 service or come a little early to 10:30. Or, once the pandemic has cleared, go downtown with us to participate in their worship.