At St. Benedict's there are many roles for individuals of all ages that enable them to actively participate in worship. They include:
Youth in 3rd-12th grades who participate in the liturgy and assist the clergy with various worship duties. At each service two acolytes are needed as torchbearers, two are needed as banner bearers, one for sanctus bells, and one Cross bearer (crucifer).
Eucharistic Ministers
Individuals who are confirmed in the Episcopal Church and licensed by the Bishop to present the wine chalice to the congregants during Eucharist.
Lay Readers - Lectors & Intercessors
Reading scripture aloud in church can be a thing of mystery to most of us and even a little bit intimidating. Many of us don’t feel physically or emotionally equipped to attempt it. We may even feel unqualified. We may be daunted by the significance and gravity of such a role and the number of appointed tasks that are often associated with it. However, reading aloud in church offers readers encounters with scripture that can lead to transformative experiences. Those experiences can be surprising and richly rewarding for both the reader and the listening congregation. We need you, please join us. Coaching will be provided!
Ushers are needed at all services at St. Benedict’s. They help keep the flow of the service going. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve your church and will provide a chance to get to know St. Benedict’s better and meet other parishioners.
Sound Ministry
“Lights... Camera... Sound rolling.... Action!”
Every Sunday the sound team brings the St. B’s service to the world via the magic of our livestream! This ministry makes sure that all of our events come through loud and clear both in person and over the internet. We’re always on the lookout for volunteers, so feel free to drop by the sound booth any Sunday to check it out.
Altar Guild
Do you want to be an “insider”? Do you like to polish brass/silver? Would you like to know what is really going on at the altar? Altar Guild may be the place for you! We are looking for men, women, and/or families that are interested in being a part of our Holy Communion. We are a kind and caring group - we would love to have you and/or your family join us.
Wear a cool black robe, and carry a big stick! Vergers help liturgy run smoothly: they pay attention to detail, ensure dignity and rest in worship, collaborate to help clergy and ministers serve effectively, and provide a “stage manager” type leadership. We’re trying to rebuild a core group of vergers, and we’ll give you all the training you need. Are you interested?
Flower Guild
Whether you are inspired by one of God’s most beautiful creations, want to learn to arrange or have new ideas to beautify the Altar, we need you on the Flower Guild! Everyone has talents and it is fun to share ideas and create. Please contact me to find out more about this inspiring way to Glorify God at St. B’s.