St. Benedict’s youngest members gather each Sunday in the Nursery. Our Nursery is staffed by professional caregivers. We offer many opportunities for free play and age-appropriate Christian formation. We want these children to know church and God as safe, loving, & nurturing.
The Nursery is available for children 6 months through age three (not yet potty trained) whose parents are attending an adult formation class or worship service.
The Nursery opens each Sunday at 10 am during the summer and 9:15 am during the rest of the year.
Children should be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the worship service
All children’s belongings should be labeled. This includes a Diaper bag, Bottles, Pacifiers, Drinking cups, Coats, Blankets.
Children are encouraged NOT to bring personal toys to the nursery.
Be sure to leave your cell phone number with us (and set it to vibrate!) so we can contact you if you should be needed for any reason. And feel free to check on your child at any time.
Please be sure to give any specific instructions to our caregivers about the care of your child. We are happy to accommodate your concerns and priorities.
Try not to worry! Crying is a common response to separation. We will comfort your child, and if crying persists, we will contact you.
At St. Benedict's, nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children. That's why we've chosen KidCheck as our children's check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience and to allow us to partner with you to keep your children safe. A caregiver will walk you through the process of registering with KidCheck on your first visit.
In order to provide a safe, healthy nursery for all of St. Benedict’s children, we ask that parents keep their children at home any time he or she exhibits any of the following symptoms:
Fever within the previous 24 hours
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the previous 24 hours
Any symptoms of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough, or hand, foot, and mouth disease
Runny nose with any colored discharge
Sore throat
Any unexplained rash
Any skin infection
Pink eye and other eye infections; or
Head lice (child’s hair should be free of all nits)
If your child develops a fever or other symptoms of illness while in the nursery, you will be notified immediately.
Caregivers cannot administer any medication. Please do not put any medication in your child’s bottle or cup.
If your child develops an infectious disease (chickenpox, etc) after being in the nursery, please contact the Director of Children’s Ministries as soon as possible so we may notify other parents of their child’s exposure.
Toys used by the children are washed at the end of each session and as appropriate to reduce the risk of illness.
Diapers will be checked every hour and soiled diapers changed immediately.
Caregivers are required to wash their hands after they use the restroom, change a diaper, or have contact with any bodily discharge.
The behavior of the children in the Nursery will be managed in a manner that will protect their self-esteem and that will encourage children’s independence, creativity and ability to mature and be nurtured in their growing knowledge of God’s love. Books, games, music, and age-appropriate activities will be used by caregivers to ensure that your child has a fun and positive experience while in our care.
Every attempt will be made to soothe a crying infant or child. In the event that an infant/child cries inconsolably (15 minutes), the parent will be notified.
Children are expected to behave in a way that creates a safe environment for everyone in the Nursery. Throwing, hitting, and biting are not permitted. Any correction to a child’s behavior will be done in a positive manner, and parents will be notified. The parent will be notified if a child is compromising the safety of the other children and refuses to comply with the caregiver’s direction to stop.
We expect children to listen to caregivers and other adults.
We expect children to treat toys gently and put them away when they are done.
When children behave unkindly or disrespectfully of people or toys, caregivers will redirect their behavior. If necessary, we may ask the child to take a brief rest from the activity.
If behavior is beyond control, your child will be returned to your care
Infants will be fed formula, milk, juice, or water as provided by the parent in plastic bottles. All bottles/cups should be premixed and poured by the parent. Please label all cups and bottles with child’s name.
We will be happy to feed your child with the food you provide. Please include bibs, spoons, straws or other necessary items in his/her bag. Food for toddlers must be cut into bite-sized pieces.*
Toddlers who do not bring their own snack will be served a snack of water and goldfish crackers when appropriate.
If your child is allergic to anything, notify the caregivers and indicate so in the KidCheck system. *WE ARE AN ALLERGY AWARE NURSERY. Peanuts and tree nuts are not allowed in the nursery.
9:15 am – Nursery opens
9:30 am – Formation Classes for adults, youth, and children
10:30 am – Worship
At the conclusion of the worship service, parents pick-up and sign-out their children from the Nursery.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer in the Nursery!
Because we need to take the utmost care in protecting our children, all parent volunteers are required by the Diocese of Atlanta to complete the Safeguarding God’s Children training course.
Please contact Courtney Vaughn, our Director of Children’s Ministries if you are interested in assisting us with this invaluable ministry.