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All children are welcomed at all worship services at St. Benedict's.  However, during the 10:30am service on Sunday mornings we offer two Children's Chapel services (during the summer months we have one, combined Chapel) for children to explore the Liturgy of the Word in a child friendly way.  Children in Chapel join their families during the Presentation of the Gifts for Holy Communion.  


Preschool Chapel

Location:  Room #N143

Leaders:  Parent Volunteers

Preschool children will gather for a time of sacred storytelling, songs, and prayer.  This age group will begin to experience the structure of an Episcopal worship service with their own special Liturgy of the Word.


Elementary Chapel

Location:  Children's Chapel Corner of the Parish Hall

Leader:  Courtney Vaughn & Parent Volunteers

Elementary Chapel will follow the Liturgy of the Word that parallels the service in "big church".  Children will have the opportunity to serve as lectors, intercessors, and acolytes in Chapel.


3rd - 5th Graders in Chapel

During Chapel 3rd - 5th graders are welcome to serve as Chapel Helpers.  We have determined some specific jobs for this age group that are important to helping Chapelrun smoothly.  If your child would like to help in Chapel please remind them that this is a leadership roll, and while they are in Chapel they must model appropriate worship behavior.  Please remind your child that helping in Chapel means they must remain in Chapel and follow the instructions the adult Chapel workers give them.  Of course, 3rd - 5th graders are also welcome to join us in the Chapel circle for worship too!

It is St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church Safety Policy that all children be accompanied by parent/guardians to all class, chapel or children’s ministries program upon arrival and be released only to these responsible parties at the conclusion of these events.



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