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Adult Formation opportunties at St. Benedict's use a dynamic approach that encourages questions, discussion, and sharing in a safe, inclusive environment. 

Adult Forum on Sunday

Join us for an informal gathering to discuss contemporary topics affecting the Church in today’s world. The gathering is held Sunday Mornings in the parish hall at 9:30 am.

Mom's Evening Bible Study


Held on the Second Sunday of each month, the Moms of younger children come together for theological conversation and fellowship once a month! Come as you are, and be with your peers. 

Contact: Laura Bracci 

Men's Bible Study

Held on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am in the lower conference room at St. Benedict's, men of St. Benedict's gather for coffee to discuss the lectionary readings for the week.


Contact: Paul Stein

St. B's Book Club

All are welcome to join us as we gather to discuss the book of the month.  Please check the bulletin or electronic newsletter for the current selection and the date of the discussion.


Contact: Carolyn Elsner

Women's Bible Study


The Bible Study meets the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Mondays of the month. Bring a Bible (New Revised Standard Version, if possible) and your ideas and interests. Edith will have hot water and tea bags available or bring your favorite refreshment.

Contact: Deacon Edith Woodling

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